Join KC Ad Club

Become a Member

Corporate Membership Pricing

Corporate Membership Tier I
Every year

For organizations with 100+ employees.

Corporate Membership Tier II
Every year

For organizations with 25-99 employees.

Corporate Membership Tier III
Every year

For organizations with 1-24 employees.

Individual Membership Pricing

Individual Membership
Every year
Full-Time Faculty Membership
Every year
Student Membership
Every year

*Membership with KC Ad Club does not include membership with a college chapter. Membership in a college chapter is a separate membership with AAF. If students intend to compete in NSAC or participate in any AAF National College Chapter programming, students MUST join the AAF National College Chapter network through their college chapter advisor or on the official AAF website.

Still Have Questions?

Drop us a note and our team will get back to you, shortly!